

I will fight for our Liberties

1st and 2nd Amendment Rights
Limited Government
Individual Rights
Parental Rights
School Choice


“The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views. The power or scope to behave as one pleases.” Oxford Dictionary

Abraham Lincoln once said, "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves."

When I think of Liberty, I think of the Civil War. My heritage as a Black Indigenous female in this nation is intricately tied to the decisions each family made during the 1800s. They committed to taking up arms and fighting for my freedom today.  I am forever grateful for the formation of the Republican Party and the 1854 platform that demanded freedom for all.


Fight. Fight. Fight.


Can you imagine the Republican Party doing that today? I cannot.

If we are honest, we’ve lost our way on many levels. We’ve taken comfortable seats, demanding good speech, nice suits, and formalities. I suppose there have been seasons when that has been perfectly acceptable, and to be honest, I love the formalities of government. But Benjamin Franklin gave a directive. When asked if we had a republic or a monarchy in September 1787, he said it’s “a republic if you can keep it.”

“If you can keep it,” commands action. In 1854, the Republicans formed to “Keep It!”

It is no different today. The nice speech and cute suits are no longer helpful. The same party that once demanded slaves as property now demands open borders to the tune of nearly 30 million people, free medical and social services for all, abortion on demand up to and after the birth of an actual human being, and the acceptance of all things they deem appropriate. Harris is a literal Marxist.

Don’t say that has nothing to do with South Dakota….have you seen Amendment G on our current ballots? If voters approve, it will mean abortions can be done anywhere, that rapists can coerce their victims to abort, and nothing will be done to assist her! Do we have the fight within us to be the shut door to their madness like the brave Protestants, factory workers, professionals, businessmen, and farmers in the 1850s?

I hope so….or we won’t keep it.

As of today, the stock market is falling at a massive pace, Iran (funded by the Biden/Harris Administration) is mounting an attack against Israel, Ukraine has been under fire from Russia for years, and America is a dumpster fire. Where is Biden anyway??

Liberty demands action! For over a decade, the Democratic Party has been the party in the SD Senate for District 26. What good has that done? Our current Senator has served in the House and is now in the Senate (for a decade), and his party does not support his legislation!

We are literally without representation!

The time is NOW for change; we need strong leadership that understands the urgency of the times and will act in a manner that will “keep” the liberties Americans have fought so hard to obtain. And keep the liberties South Dakotans deserve!

Send me to Pierre as the District 26 Senator so we can “keep it!”

Tamara R Grove

Chosen Daughter of the King, blessed wife of Ian, and mother to the most amazing humans on planet earth. I am genuinely overwhelmed by you, Lord.

Rep. Tim Reisch & RINOs Hate the Constitution! Kill Parental Rights Bill SB113

